
Are you looking for a way to save time, improve productivity, and increase customer satisfaction? Have you considered an assistant? With AI-assistants saturating the market, it’s important to take some time to think which is right. Ask yourself, “What does my business really need from an AI-assistant?”. While the answer will be slightly different for each business, there are three common characteristics that you can’t overlook.

  1. Ease of setup: It should be easy to configure.
  2. Versatility: It should be adaptable to different tasks.
  3. Accurate information: It should provide correct information.

Our favorite on the market today –

But, What or Who is Cody?

Cody is an AI-powered virtual employee that can assist your business in many ways. Think – answering questions, completing tasks, onboarding new hires, providing support, troubleshooting, and bringing new ideas to the table.

It is really easy to use, which checks box 1. And it can be customized to meet your needs checking box 2! Cody is a really affordable tool with different plans to choose from, but it also has a free version! The best part is that you don’t have to have any special skills or knowledge to use Cody. You just upload your documentation, create a “personality” and that’s it! You will be able to ask a question, or give a task, and Cody will get it done.

Cody lets you create a variety of bots and configure them independently with specific information and parameters for each one. This is great because now with one tool, you can have specialized “assistants” for different instances.

How Cody helps Small Businesses

As an AI-assistant, there are so many ways your small business can get some extra bandwidth! When it comes to internal help on your team, Cody can support specific areas of your business by providing information, explaining processes, summarizing extensive documents, contributing ideas, and more. And then externally, Cody can help as well by enhancing interaction, improving response time, and getting better answers to your clients. You choose how you want Cody to help, and it’s as simple as programming each bot with the scenario you need help with. 

Here are 3 ways you can use Cody: 

  1. Answer questions: Cody can answer questions from customers, employees, and partners. This frees up your time so you’re not trying to manage a ton of questions and can focus on other tasks.
  2. Onboard new hires: Cody can help you onboard new hires by providing them with information about your company, culture, and products or services. This takes away repetitive conversations, saving you time and ensuring consistent training is given to all new hires.  
  3. Provide support and troubleshooting: Cody can provide support to customers and employees by answering questions, troubleshooting problems, and providing solutions. This can help improve customer satisfaction and reduce the number of support tickets.

Getting started with AI-assistant Cody

  1. Get Started: Head over to and sign up for a free account. Follow the steps to create your account. Confirm your email. 
  1. Setup Guide: Before being able to use Cody, complete the guided setup.
  1. Training your Assistant: Go to the “Content” tab, where you can create different folders with specific documentation for each one. The documentation may vary depending on the purpose you give to the bot, such as a manual, a contract, a book, a product description, or a troubleshooting user guide.
  1. Customize your bot: Once you have all the documentation in folders you’ll go to the “Bots” tab, click on “+ New bot,”. A new tab will open where you can provide the name, personality, and knowledge the Bot will carry out the assigned tasks with.
  • General: Configure the name and description of the bot, as well as the version of ChatGPT you will use.
  • Knowledge: Select the folders where Cody will retrieve information. It can be one or multiple folders, depending on how your bot will respond.
  • Personality: Configure the nickname and company. You’ll also be able to modify the Knowledge Base Strictness depending on how strict or creative you want its responses to be and the Desired Output Types in which your AI assistant should focus. This is also where you can configure how you want it to handle questions it can’t answer.
  1. Share your AI-assistant: Once you have finished setting up your assistant, you can share it from the “Bots” tab by clicking on the three dots and then selecting “embed”. Here you can share the link so that other people can access it, easily add it to your website, or use it as a pop-up feature.

Welcome your new AI-assistant team member

As an entrepreneur or business owner, you know first hand that having an assistant with all the answers can be extremely helpful. Cody is so much more, because it it not only has answers, but you can engage in ways like bouncing ideas off your bot, having it translate texts for you, and even use it to chat with your customers. If you need more time, don’t have 24/7 support, can’t add more resources onto your team, head over to meet Cody. 

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